Pork Cutlet Gravy over Egg Noodles with Corn & Carrots

Pork Cutlet Gravy over Egg Noodles

Sometimes, simplicity is best. And there’s nothing more simple than a good homemade gravy over egg noodles. But even though it’s simple and easy, don’t think it’s not tasty. I find pork cutlets to be perfect for this. They go on sale regularly and they tend to cook up nice and tender. With some butter sauted veggies or a nice salad, you’ve got a very nice meal that’s not only affordable, but super yummy and super easy!

Pork Cutlet Gravy over Egg Noodles:

4 large Pork Cutlets (1.5-2 lbs) – $4.27
1 bag egg noodles – $1.29
1 Tbsp shortening or lard – pantry
2 Tbsp flour – pantry
Water (1 1/2 to 2 cups)- pantry
Salt and Pepper to taste

COST: $5.56

Prepare egg noodles per package directions.

For gravy, slice pork cutlets into 1/2 inch strips and fry till nicely browned. Once cooked, add shortening, lard or oil to meat and stir. Sprinkle flour over pork and mix till meat is coated.  Continue cooking for a minute or so, scraping all the browned bits from the pan. Starting with a cup and a half of water, pour into meat and flour mixture (roux) and stir while you bring pan back up to boil. Once to boil, reduce gravy to simmer and let cook for 15 minutes. Add more water while cooking to bring gravy to your desired consistency.

Serve hot gravy over cooked egg noodles and serve with butter sauted carrots and fresh corn.$.65 for can carrots and $.50 for 2 ears of fresh corn


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