Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn

Sweet and Salty Kettle CornNom! Nom!

The perfect afternoon snack! And, it’s perfect for your budget too. One bag of Jiffy Pop or other uncooked popcorn kernels at Costco or Smart n Final is right around $3 bucks. That one bag would make enough popcorn to fill your bathtub! Stop wasting money on processed popcorn packets. All you need is popcorn and a brown paper bag.

Yeah right, you say. It’s just easier to slap that folded bag in the microwave. Blah! Blah! Blah! All you need is a brown paper bag and plain old popcorn kernels. 2 handfuls tossed in the bag, pinch the bag tightly closed, place bag laying down in microwave and hit the “popcorn” button. It’ll pop up just like the processed packets do. No joke! Fresh and healthy! Try it!

And when you want to make that simple treat special, try kettle corn. Just as easy, but ten times more yummy!

Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn:

1/4 Canola oil – .15
1/4 cup brown sugar – .25
1/2 cup unpopped popcorn kernels – .25
Sea Salt – pantry

COST: $.65

Heat the canola oil in a large pot. Make sure your pot has a good cover and that it’s a rather tall pot. Heat on medium heat. Once hot, toss 1 or 2 kernels in and if they pop in 6-7 seconds or so, you’re pan is ready.

Quickly stir in the brown sugar and popcorn. Cover, and start shaking the pot. It will take a moment for the kernels to start popping.  They need to get up to temperature.  Continue to keep pot on heat, but shake every 3-5 seconds of so.  The sugar will burn if you’re not careful to keep it moving.

Once the popping has slowed to once every 2 to 3 seconds, remove pot from heat and give a good shake. Wait 30 seconds and then open lid. Grind some Sea Salt on top, then pour kettle corn into large bowl. Grind a little more Sea Salt to your taste, toss kettle corn a bit to break up any clumping and let cool a few minutes before serving.

So easy. So yummy. So cheap! Give it a try. I bet you will love it too!



  1. You got the right idea. Now sell that 65-cent batch of kettle corn you just made for $5. Hey, you’re in business.


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