
Easy Orange Chicken

Easy Orange Peel Chicken with Sticky Rice

Since moving to the burbs, we cannot find a decent Chinese food restaurant to save our life. I know, I know. A good Chinese restaurant isn’t truly life-saving, but it is necessary. No? I guess until we find it, I’ll have to keep making it. Or at least trying. This […]

Shrimp Egg Rolls with Chicken and Kelp Noodle Soup

Certain things you see on clearance, just scream, “TRY ME!” Kelp noodles, definitely a must try. My 8 year old said, “Mom! I love sushi and it’s wrapped in kelp, right?” Me, “Well, seaweed, but yeah, it’s all kelp, really.” Then I laughed. Shoot. Why not. The noodles looked clear […]

Rice-A-Roni Chicken Bake

Does anyone else remember the Rice-A-Roni song. Oh, I loved it! They should bring it back. “The San Francisco treat.” Was it even made in San Francisco? I don’t care. I like it. It’s one of few boxed dishes I can truly say, I enjoy. Thank you Mr. DeDomenico. Your […]

Crisp Flour Tostadas with Slow Simmered Chicken

Chicken legs are super cheap and super versatile. They can be fried, bbq’d, baked and broiled. In this case, slow and steady wins the race. So if you have meat that you’re not sure what to do with or that you are bored with. Slow simmer and shred it! Tostadas […]

Chicken Flautas with Calabacitas (Fried Corn & Squash)

This simple flauta recipe will be a favorite for your family, just you watch! My kids devour these and hubby swears he won’t go back for seconds, but he always does. If I’m lucky, I have one leftover for my lunch. I’m usually not that lucky. It’s ok. I’d rather […]